pop!A-RAZZI: Kiss in The New Year! 2010

Jordan Bratman and Christina Aguilera 

Josh Duhamel and Fergie

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon 

Robin Thicke and Paula Patton 

Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez

Celebs Kiss in The New Year

Muah, besos and much love to all of my followers! Instead of getting all fixated on actual events (this time) I figured I'd bring a little love to all of my pop! peeps for the New Year. There's nothing like a new year to help you clean the slate and make you feel like anything is possible. It's quite invigorating... I mean after you get past the hangover you are probably feeling right now after poppin' too much Champagne, you too will feel like Leonardo on the tip of that little boat called The Titanic. Like life, it can seem a little overwhelming, but take a breathe, a step forward and lunge at greatness! I expect nothing less from you! Me, I promise to give more of myself in 2010. I want you to feel the pop! in your guts! I know, I know... one day at a time. 

Get ready kiddies... I feel like 2010 is going to be a fab year for us!!!

The Queen of pop!

photos: wireimage, Getty

