pop!COOL: DrinkFIT


Being on a diet sucks! Being on a diet, wanting a cocktail and wondering if that Skinny Margarita will actually keep you skinny sucks even more! Well wonder no more! DrinkFit provides nutritional information for Beer, Cocktails, Liquor, Wine Coolers, Wine & Mixers. At last, no more worrying about the number of minutes to add to your workout to make-up for last night’s sipping!

-Nutrition Facts for Beer, Cocktails, Liquor, and Mixers

-700+ Drinks Currently Listed. More to Come in Future Updates!

-Where's Your Beer From? Beer Labels Include the Country of Origin

-What Kind of Glass? Cocktail Labels Include Accepted Serving Size

Get your app at the i-Tunes store or by visiting www.drinkfitapp.com



